I had a crazy workout bike camp week... by myself. Literally 21.75 hrs of biking! Monday morning it started out with a wind advisory but the temperature was in the 50's! I couldn't pass up on of the last nice days out there! Scott gave me the advice to go on the bike trail so I wouldn't be pushed into traffic so off I went.
About 1 hour into the ride it poured on me and I turned around... then this happened...
I will spare you the beautiful road rash that I got and still have on my hip. So only ONE hour into bike week and I crash... I was cold and wet and a long way from home or even a road! I called Scott and he was my knight in shining armor and came to my rescue! My bike was unridable and I called my coach to see what I should do. She told me not to bend my retailer back into place so I hiked 1.5 miles to the closest road with my bike on my back.
I was more sad because of the holes in my trigger point kit than the holes down the side of my kona jersey!
Yes, I went back home after my bike was fixed and got on my trainer and finished the ride! Because of this crash, recovery was VITAL!
THANKS to Trigger Point for all the fun toys that helped me recover from the crash and from my really sore muscles all week. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you!
THANKS also to Dr. Lonergan (chiropractor) for all the adjustments and laser baths to help with the healing and recovery! I am so blessed to know you guys and know that I've been able to have so much success because of you!
This is how we roll.
This is a true testament to my coach Meredith. If I had looked at all the workouts I had that week I would have said NO WAY can I do that! She truly knows my potential and what I am capable of. I have full trust and confidence in her that we will be able to succeed and continue to excel together!!!
Just so y'all don't think all I did Thanksgiving week was workout...
This one was just too cute not to include!
We went as a family and cut down our own Christmas tree! We always name it and this one's name is Bob. Long long story but Bob is the theme of the year!
We went shopping on Black Friday and Saturday.
Emi got a lot of Daddy time this week so I could bike! Thanks so so much for all your sacrifices daddy!