Sunday, February 24, 2013

This last week's workouts

Well, it was actually an eventful week! So, when I got pregnant I was having issues with my right knee. I actually couldn't run on it at all for 3 months at the beginning of the pregnancy. I had an MRI and PT and started running again around Thanksgiving. (Yes, everyone involved was fine with me getting an MRI on my knee during the first trimester). I've always kept up on my biking and swim every now and again. All of that was to say that I had to start up running again during pregnancy and I finally did my longest run of 10 miles in my 5th month of pregnancy. I've decided that is as far as I'm going to go while I'm pregnant this time around.

So, Monday I did my (now normal) 10 mile run. I started off at 7:30 pace and had to get off to pee after 3.5 miles. After I got back on I went for another 2 and started having contractions. I've had contractions while I've been running in the past, but nothing too bad just really really annoying. This time I had to stop. My workout buddy (Taylor) was surprised because she knows I don't stop my workout for ANYTHING (except the bathroom). After walking and going to the bathroom AGAIN, I was able to finish up my 10 miles. I think the moral of this story is that I will need to slow down my run tomorrow. I'm thinking 7:45 pace but we'll see.

The rest of my workouts went as follows...

Monday: 1 hour ride, 10 mile run
Tuesday: 2 hour ride
Wednesday: 1.5 hour ride, 4 mile run (SLOW)
Thursday: 1.5 hour ride
Friday: 1.5 hour ride, 3 mile run (SLOW)
Saturday: 3.5 hour ride, 2 mile run

I haven't had anyone yell after me on the street about me being pregnant, but I do get a lot of glares from people at the gym. OK people, I am having a complete conversation while running and my HR is always under 150. The doctors all say it doesn't matter about your HR anyway, it's all about perceived exertion rate, which if I'm able to tell stories and have a conversation, I'm fine.

Kind of a boring post, hopefully I'll get more interesting!

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