Sunday, February 24, 2013

Purpose of all the working out

So, I know 3rd post in one day! I will in reality only post once or twice a week probably, but I just need to support why I am doing this blog and tell my story, besides in the bio area.

So, why the heck am I working out like this? Well, I got my sister into running a while ago. She took it a step further and got me into triathlons. (She's crazy and does FULL iron-mans) I signed up for my first half ironman last year in Muncie, IN. It was so hot that day (115), that they had to shorten the course. Because of the shortened course, ironman brand gave us discounted entries into the next years race. I of course signed up right away (before I was pregnant).

The Muncie half ironman is 12 weeks after I am due (if everything goes to "plan"). I am trying to keep my training up during pregnancy, because I don't have much time afterwards, and they say that birth is easier if you are in shape. I am not SO stubborn headed to think that if I have complications or need a C-section I will still be able to do this. Scott thinks I'm stubborn enough to make it happen no matter what, but I think he just overestimates the extent of my will power!

I figured if I'm going to go through this journey anyway, I might as well document it so I can look back on it and say how stupid and naive I was :)

Pictures will come soon... pregnant me pics are on Scott's phone so I'll need to steal those from him.

1 comment:

  1. Jocelyn! Just found your blog and skimmed through the posts.
    You really are a nut!!
    But obviously, I can relate :)
    It sounds like you're being smart about it and talking to your doc and listening to your body. That's what's important. And if you have to take a few weeks off at the end, don't stress - to be able to do what you're doing while you're so far along is amazing! Part of me wishes I had trained more during my pregnancies (expecting #4 now!) I exercised, but always pretty easy stuff. I did a half marathon 12 weeks after my c-section with twins, and it wasn't pretty... be sure you have a GREAT sports bra! I should've worn 2! :) Good luck to ya, and best wishes for a healthy, perfect baby delivery - which is REALLY the most important thing of course :)
