Sunday, November 16, 2014

We are all in this together!

Since its been off season I've been able to enjoy some slower runs pushing Emi around Cincinnati in the stroller. I apps politely love this binding time together as I talk with her throughout the run. She usually giggles, chats and points throughout the run.

We were put enjoying ourselves when we were crossing a little buisness entrance and I looked for any vehicles trying to turn in or come out. There was a car coming to turn in so I slowed but then they stopped so I went a head and waved a thank you. Well, I guess that was not the right thing to do and she layed on her horn, gave me a one finger wave, and yelled something at me that I couldnt hear not probably wanted to hear.

Later I was running up a hill and there was a man walking his dog. I always like to let people know I'm coming because I tend to be pretty quiet and I scare people when they don't know I'm coming. He had a dog so I thought this would be especially important. I was a ways back from him and called up "on your left." He spun around and saw me and started walking on the right side on the side walk. I went to the left and onto the grass with the stroller giving him a wide berth. Well, when I passed him he said "really!?" Then called me a B and said acouple more 4lettered words. I have no idea what I did wrong to upset him so so much. I know that sometimes I run very entitled to the road, treadmil ect. but this was not the case at all (this time).

All this for me thinking about my husband. He is amazing and always gives people the benefit of the doubt. When someone cuts him off he says "maybe their wife is having a baby." He won't ever judge or get upset until he knows the other persons situation and circumstances. I think we could all live a lot happier if we did the same thing. Many times lately I've realized we are all in this life together, we are all people and sons and daughters of God. Why don't we just treat eachother like that!?! So many bad feelings could be prevented if this were the case! Let's work as a team to bring eachother up I stead of working against Eachother and degrading one another.

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